Maecenas at ipsum quis massa rutrum gravida! Ut in varius orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Phasellus sed lectus nec risus posuere rhoncus sed et ligula. Sed gravida ornare turpis vel euismod. Phasellus quis tortor non lacus sodales rutrum sit amet non est
Donec elit nulla, pulvinar nec porta sed, hendrerit eget metus. Suspendisse porttitor ligula non felis volutpat pretium? Praesent laoreet nisl a eros ultricies in lacinia

Being held on Monday every week is Barong&Kris Dance. Good and evil exist at the same time also in person's mind and this world. The one that the good was made an embodiment is holy beast Barong. The incarnation of evil is witch Randa. Barong and Randa are the talks that it keeps fighting through all eternity as always fought against evil by good in person's mind.


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